All One-on-One Sessions are available worldwide!

Intensive Energy Healing, Intensive Spiritual Gifts Coaching, Night Healings, and Space Clearings.

"My life is transformed!  Jane understands with an intuitive knowledge beyond what a normal person can.  I will continue to go to her for the wonderful healing that I receive during one-on-one sessions."  J.W.

Intensive Energy Healing

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, cluttered, stuck, conflicted about making decisions, if you're going through changing circumstances or personal transformations- or you're wanting to step more fully into your soul's purpose- these are indicators that it's the right time to have your energy healed, cleansed, and purified.  During each appointment, Jane will intuitively heal and release the energy and patterns that are preventing you from fully aligning with your true self and your highest potential.  This includes healing the energy of traumatic memories and events, releasing unwanted or outdated emotions, and clearing blocks (that are yours or absorbed from others.)  As you release what is holding you back, and you reclaim who you truly are, your energy will be calmer and will flow smoothly.  You'll feel peaceful, balanced, and lighter- allowing life to unfold with more abundance and ease.

Intensive sessions are a condensed and deeper way to heal. 

Intensives on the phone or zoom with Jane help when you want to take a deep dive into healing, jump-start your healing journey, or if you're enduring challenging time.  Please plan to set aside about an hour after each intensive session to take a break from responsibilities so you can rest and integrate this deep healing.
60 minutes for $300
90 minutes for $450

Schedule an Intensive Session

Intensive Spiritual Gifts Coaching

If you're a sensitive person, intuitive, or an empath- you may be in distress, fatigued, confused, or overwhelmed by it.  Learning how to manage and make sense of these spiritual gifts will bring peace and deepen your sense of purpose.  During each appointment, Jane will intuitively heal and balance your energy, and empower you, by providing tools to help you harness your spiritual gifts in a way that will benefit not only your life, but the lives of those you around you.  If you're ready to take your spiritual gifts to the next level, Jane will clear any barriers and blocks so you may further enhance them.

Intensive sessions are a condensed and deeper way to heal. 

Intensives on the phone or zoom with Jane help when you want to take a deep dive, jump-start your journey, or if you're enduring a challenging time.  Please plan to set aside about an hour after each intensive session to take a break from responsibilities so you can rest and integrate this deep healing.
60 minutes for $300
90 minutes for $450

Schedule an Intensive Session

Night Healing

When you are in need of intuitive energy healing asap, or you want a healing that takes place later in the day so you can rest or sleep during your healing.  These appointments do not take place over the phone or Zoom.  Since there is no talking, and your body is in a more restful state, this allows for a deep release.  During your appointment time, Jane will intuitively feel into your energy and give you a custom healing to fit your needs.  If you want to make specific healing requests, you will receive instructions about how to do so after scheduling your session.
60 minutes for $175
90 minutes for $265

Schedule a Night Healing

Space Clearing

Energy accumulates and can linger and get stuck in our homes, offices, vehicles, and anywhere that we spend time.  This can be your energy or energy from other people.  Energetic imprints from past disagreements, divorce, illness, and the stress of everyday life can leave a space feeling like it's weighing you down.  You may also get a sense of not feeling 'alone' in certain spaces.  Space clearings keep all of these types of energies moving and flowing in order to have peaceful, light, uplifting, and supportive spaces so you can more easily accomplish your goals and be fulfilled, happy, and centered.  These appointments do not take place over the phone or Zoom.  After you schedule your clearing, you will receive instructions on how to provide information about the space/property and how to make specific requests for the clearing.
60 minutes for $175
90 minutes for $265

Schedule a Space Clearing
  • Video and audio recordings of sessions are not permitted.
  • Payment in full reserves your appointment time.  This amount is fully refundable with a 24-hour cancellation notice. If an appointment is missed or rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice, this amount is not refundable.
  • Amounts listed include all state and local gross receipt taxes.

"I always feel noticeably lighter and more relaxed after one-on-one healings with Jane. She has a high level of integrity and has always produced effective and lasting results for me." L.B.

I'm here to help you heal.

One-on-One sessions are custom tailored to your specific needs when you are seeking healing and perspective, grieving loss, developing your spiritual gifts, processing trauma, or stepping more fully into your soul's purpose.

During times of personal transformation, these sessions will give you the intuitive focused attention that you need to help you along the way.

Healing is a process, and the more you heal, the closer you'll get to reaching your full potential.  

As each healing brings you more into alignment with your original blueprint and your true self, life gets easier.  Abundance and peace will become a more natural state of being for you! 

Schedule a One-on-One Session